Chapter Meeting Minutes 12-10-07
/Meeting Date - 12/10/07
Meeting Location - Williamson Bros BBQ - Canton
Attendees - 17
Bike Patrol - Bike Patrol training for 2008 will be Feb 16th at Cherokee County Parks - South Annex. If you are already in the Bike Patrol or would like to be, please contact Tim Feltner - Bike Patrol Director. Bike Patrol members are responsible for educating, assisting and informing trail users. The class will consist of CPR training, First Aid training and a IMBA Bike Patrol training class.
Trail School - Those wanting to sign up for Trail School please contact Jay Wilkes - Secretary. We have two members that would like to go so far. SORBA Woodstock will pay for members to attend. To be a certified Trail Crew Leader for SORBA Woodstock you must attend trail school. Dates are January 12/13 and January 26/27.
New advanced trail construction update - We have machine cut ~3 miles of trail. 2.25 miles of those have been completed hand finished. Work Parties will continue on the First and Third Saturday of every month until construction in complete. With enough help, we are estimating a March/April completion date. We have had over 90 different volunteers show up for work parties, with many doing multiple. Over ~800 hours have been logged on the new trail construction since September.
New trail fund raising - Ellis announced two donations that were given at the meeting. Brian Berg donated $1000 and John Hicks donated $500. We have applied for a grant from Bikes Belong. Awards from Bikes Belong will be presented at the end of January 2008 (keep fingers crossed). We still need to raise $20,000 to complete the new trail construction.
Thomson Day - Bruce Dickman joined us tonight to discuss Thomson Day 2008. Bruce is spreading the word to all chapters to make this a HUGE event. It will be a weekend long festival at the Thomson factory in Macon, GA the weekend of January 19th. Races, games, camping, rides, bands and a long list of activities will be held. More info to follow.
Blankets Creek Dirty Duathlon - Lisa Randall unveiled her race that will be held on March 22, 2008 entitled Blankets Creek Dirty Duathlon. This is the first ever race to be held at Blankets Creek with all proceeds to be donated for the new loop trail construction. The race will consist of a 5 mile trail run and 10-12 miles of Mountain Biking. Visit for more information.
Elections - 2008 Elections were closed with no new entries. Voting was conducted for next years officers. Next years officers are as follows:
John Hicks - President
Jay Wilkes - Vice President
Ellis Alexander - Secretary
Chris Griffin - Treasurer
Tim Feltner - Bike Patrol Director
Charlie Shultz - Trail Director