Chapter Meeting Minutes 3-12-07
/Sunday, 11 March 2007 14:00
Chapter Meeting - 03/12/07
Location - Williamson Bros BBQ in Canton
Number of Attendees - 20
SORBA Main Meeting - John discussed the topics from the SORBA Main meeting this past weekend. Details are: IMBA is sponsoring a Work Party on April, 12th with SORBA Chattanooga at Raccoon Mtn. SORBA Woodstock is going to help. IMBA should be finalizing their partnership with SORBA regarding taking over the admin duties from SORBA by the end of the year. All SORBA members will become IMBA members automatically. Two chapters were added: Paulding County and Southern Crescent (South Atl). SORBA Main Work party scheduled for Tsali on June 2nd. Lunches/Dinner and free camping provided. NWGA Chapter is having an event on April 19th to support the Tour de GA athletes that will be in Dalton that day.
Bike Patrol - We had 12 members renew and 3 more added to the existing Bike Patrol. The class was on Feb 24th. Tim will be having Bike Patrol meetings/rides every other weekend. Contact Tim for more details.
Gold Rush 24 Hour Adventure race - Thanks to all 13 SORBA Woodstock members that volunteered to work the adventure race. Big Congrats to Lisa Randall, one of our members, for winning the race! Good Job!
Beginner Clinic - Lisa Randall is teaching a beginner clinic at Blankets Creek for men and women on April 7th. Class is free and starts at 9:30am. She is offering expert bike fitting help at 9am prior to the class. A kid's ride is also scheduled for that morning at 10am.
Rope Mill Park - Word is that Woodstock City Council is finally starting to get serious about the Rope Mill Park project. SORBA Woodstock is going to build singletrack once the initial infrastructure is in place.
Blankets Creek Master Plan Approval - Raise your glasses for a toast! The Master Plan has finally been approved via the COE Main office in Mobile, AL. This will initiate a signing of the MOU between SORBA Woodstock and Cherokee County Parks and Recreation to start building the new trail network over in Area 51. First stop is to build out an additional 1.5 miles of Mosquito Flats. Once the Mosquito Flats extension is complete, work will start on the new 4.5 mile advanced loop.
Trail Ambassador Program - We will start having members on site at the trail head on Saturday and Sunday to educate the public about the upcoming trail construction. We will have a display map, project timeline, work party schedule, membership applications and donation envelopes. We need to raise at least $30,000 and recruit a substantial amount of volunteers to help us construct Area 51. Contact John Hicks if you are interested in volunteering to man the tent on weekends.
Major Donor Fundraising team - We are looking for 8 individuals who have a variety of relationships in the biking and business community. This group will build a list of potential donors and make personal calls to ask for contributions. Contact John Hicks if you are interested.
Trail Construction support - We are looking for volunteers to not only help with the trail construction itself, but also support for the work party itself. Tasks include: Communication with volunteers about work party time and dates. Making sure food, drink, tools, etc are at each work party. Volunteer registration for each work party, Coordinating SWAG give aways at each work party, Solicitation donations for lunch sponsors. Run errands as needed for the crews on the trail