Chapter Meeting Minutes 4-16-07
/Sunday, 15 April 2007 14:00
Meeting Date - 04/16/07 @ 7pm
Meeting Location - Blankets Creek Trailhead
Meeting Attendees - ~20
Food Provider - Free Flite Bikes
Meeting - Tim Feltner conducted the meeting in absence of John and Derek.
Bike Patrol - First Aid/CPR cards are here. Collect them from Tim Feltner.
Pedalpalooza 2007 - Chris talked about having volunteers show up at 8am to help out. Booths will be set up with various local bike shops and local business. We will be having games, food, group rides and clinics. Festival starts at 10 am. Please park at the church next door to make room for attendees.
Beginner Clinic with Lisa Randall - Was a success! 5 students showed up despite the freezing temps.
SORBA Woodstock Forum - Jeff talked about our options of using PHP as our SORBA Woodstock Forum. The new PHP 3.0 will allow us to better accommodate our needs. The problem is it's still a beta code with bugs and the official release date is unknown. Jeff is still working on the pro's and con's and will recommend a solution.
Area 51 Trail Update - Tim discussed the three areas where we need everyone's help. The BOD can't do this alone and we need significant help to pull this off.
1. Major Donor Fundraising committee - Ellis will head up this committee. He is looking for people who have community contacts or experience in fundraising to help out and join the committee.
2. Trail Ambassador Committee - We need a committee that will help coordinate folks to help man the tent on the weekends. Those at the tent will educate the public about the upcoming trail construction. We will have a display map, project timeline, work party schedule, membership applications and donation envelopes. Contact John Hicks if you are interested in volunteering to man the tent on weekends or serve on the committee.
3. Trail Crew Leaders - SORBA Woodstock has 4 members that have graduated from Trail School that will be assisting Charlie as Trail Crew Coordinators to manage the physical building of the trails in Area 51. We are looking for volunteers to not only help with the trail construction itself, but also support for the work party. Tasks include: Communication with volunteers about work party time and dates, Making sure food/drink/tools are at each work party, assistance with volunteer registration for each work party, coordinating SWAG giveaways at each work party, solicitation for lunch sponsors, and run errands as needed for the crews on the trail. Work Parties will be held on Saturdays and Wednesday nights. Stay tuned to the website for upcoming work parties. The work party banner will now be hung the Monday prior to trail work parties.