September 2012 Meeting Minutes
/Jay Wilkes began the meeting with an update on the parking lot expansion. We can continue to attend the weekly construction meetings to stay abreast of the timeline and any changes to the plan. The project is moving smoothly and the construction company is confident that any lot closures will be minimal. Construction remains on schedule. We are looking into creating some picnic areas in the portion of the current parking lot that will be utilized in the new. This will largely be a rehabitation effort.
The trail to Rope Mill park from the Aquatic center is on hold until further notice.
We will be holding the awards for the Time Trial series at the October chapter meeting.
The September work party on the 15th will concentrate on grooming Quehl Holler.
Malanda is finalizing the arrangements for the fall group ride at FATS on September 29th. More info available on the website. We are also looking for more volunteers to help with the fall race events.
Jay called for anyone interested in joing the Board of Directors. Nominations will be announced at the November meeting and the vote will be held at the Christmas party.
Jay informed that we are needing to organize our fundraising efforts for the proposed new Skills/Yard and Pump Track features. We are in need of approximately $20K for these projects.
Pans for the SORBA Southern Summit to be held here in Woodstock are beginning to take shape. The schedule is being prepared and we are working with SORBA, the City of Woodstock and the Greenprints Alliance to make sure the event is a hit. Greenprints is renaming their annual spring festival Trail Fest and will be taking a more trail/outdoor angle on the event. Live music will be a cornerstone both Friday and Saturday nights.
Jay closed the meeting.