October 2012 Meeting Minutes
/Lisa Randall started the meeting with a discussion of the race event schedule for 2013. We are looking at 8 events this year and considering partnering with SERC. The addition of an XC race was the highlight.
Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day was this past Saturday, October 6th. Group rides and kids games were the main activities. Thanks to all the volunteers, it was a great day and we had a lot of great young riders come out and have a lot of fun!
There will not be an October work party.
Jay Wilkes continues to attend the weekly construction meetings to stay abreast of the timeline and any changes to the plan. We need to finish the clubhouse cleanout and get the LP tank removed.
The FATS grooup ride weekend was a big success! We had about 30 riders and everyone came back ready to go again. We are considering this for the fall ride next year.
Bill Blount is working on the final signage for the Explorer Trail and we will be putting together a photo op with Dan Thornton from Free Flite.
Jay will be attending the SORBA Main Meeting in Gainesville on November 11th. Contact Jay if you are interested in attending too.
The Georgia-Lina Summit is to be held in Augusta, Georgia, October 10th-12th. This weekend will be focused on all types of riding advocacy.
Plans for the SORBA Southern Summit to be held here in Woodstock are beginning to take shape. The schedule is being prepared and we are working with SORBA, the City of Woodstock and the Greenprints Alliance to make sure the event is a hit. Greenprints is renaming their annual spring festival Trail Fest and will be taking a more trail/outdoor angle on the event. Live music will be a cornerstone both Friday and Saturday nights.
Jay closed the meeting.