Chapter Meeting Minutes 12-18-06
Sunday, 17 December 2006 14:00
Meeting Date - 12/18/06 @ 7pm
Meeting Location - Right Wing Cafe
Number of Attendees - 25
Elections - The chapter voted on officers for the 2007 year . Here is the list of officers for 2007:
President: John Hicks
Vice Pres : Derek Boyd
Secretary: Jay Wilkes
Treasurer: Chris Griffin
Bike Patrol: Tim Feltner
Trail Director: Charles Schultz
Web Master: Jeff Murchison
Blankets Creek Phone Line - The chapter is looking into getting a new phone line since the old SORBA phone line was disconnected. Trail status will still be available on the website.
Bike Patrol Training - CPR/First Aid/ Bike Patrol training will be held on February 28th. Contact Tim Feltner if interested in joining the Bike Patrol.
Gold Rush Adventure Race - SORBA woodstock will again be providing volunteers to assist in the 2nd Annual Gold Rush 24 Hour Adventure Race. The race is scheduled for March 2-3, 2007.
Reinhardt Work Party - Work Parties for the Reinhardt Trail System are being held the 2nd Saturday of every month. Goto for more info.
"Area 51" new trail status - We are waiting on the US Army COE to approve the Master Plan. Once this has been completed, Cherokee Recreation and Park Authority (CRPA) will enter a long term lease with the COE. SORBA Woodstock will also complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CRPA to document and agree on each parties responsibilities and commitments. Once this is all completed, trail construction can start. Tentative construction start dates are February-March 2007.
Upcoming SORBA Main Meeting - John will be attending the SORBA main meeting on behalf of SORBA Woodstock. He will bring the chapter back information from the meeting. Items that will be discussed include how IMBA will be helping consolidate duties into their organization to free up SORBA with more time to trail building, advocacy, and maintenance.