January 2013 Meeting Minutes
/The January meeting was held at Freight Kitchen and Tap in downtown Woodstock. Jay began the meeting by introducing Neil. Neil welcomed SORBA Woodstock to Freight.
Jay provided a update on the Fierce Trail fundraising. Through our fundraising efforts, local government, local businesses, and private donations, the club has raised around $80,000. The project will need an additional $40,000 to complete the Fierce trail. Jay thanked all our supporters to making this project a reality.
Jay brought up that the club will soon be making less monthly payments as the Dingo has 3 payments to go and once the parking lot is complete, there will be no more payments towards the Porta-Johns. This will be saving the club around $900 a month.
Jay and Gary provided an update on the parking lot construction. The gas line that the construction crews have been chasing around has finally been located. Work is scheduled to move forward and now all that is delaying the project is the rain delays. The construction crews have internet, power, and water re connected to the clubhouse. We are hoping for the parking lot switch to happen by the end of the month.
The SORBA Southern Summit to be held in Woodstock is only 3 months away! The major planning is underway and we are now looking for volunteers. Denise listed the possible areas people can volunteer in such as group ride leaders and sweepers. A list of volunteer positions that needs to be filled will be sent out as we get closer to the Summit.
Bill gave an update on the SORBA Woodstock Jerseys and delivered several jerseys at the meeting. Jay gave Bill recognition for his work on the jerseys newsletters, SORBA's Subaru wraps, and our trail maps. Thank you Bill for all your hard work!
To end the meeting Jay gave a chapter membership update. SORBA Woodstock has almost reached the 300 member mark!
Jay closed the meeting.