Chapter Meeting Minutes - 6/8/09
/Jay Wilkes opened the meeting with an update about our trial projects. We have authorized Pro Trails to do additional work on the VMT. The skills yard, the downhill on the old fire road and South Loop Extension projects are all contingent upon progress on the Olde Rope Mill/Taylor Randahl Memorial Trail.
The class for Bike Patrol training, including CPR and First Aid, will be held on Saturday, July 11th at the Cherokee County Recreations and Park (CRPA) building on Highway 5 north of Woodstock.
Our next work party will be on Saturday, June 20th. We will finish spreading gravel in the low lying areas of Mosquito Flats. The work performed thus far in that area has greatly improved those trails. We will also hand finish the machine work on the VMT that was completed by Pro Trails.
We are in the process of moving our web site to a more secure hosting service. The previous hosting service was subject to hacker attacks. This new service will provide more security and additional features for maintaining the content on the site.
We will have a work party at Reinhart College soon. We will communicate that on our web site and at the next chapter meeting.
On August 6th we will meet with the USACOE and CRPA to discuss ongoing projects and issues.
David Potts and the Greenprints Project have appealed to the City of Woodstock to fund the trailbuilding for the Olde Rope Mill/Taylor Randahl Memorial Trail. The City Council is expected to vote on this tonight.
We have initial data from the trail counters and have made some adjustments in the sensitivity of the readers. Next month we should begin to receive data on all three major loops. The infrared reader has yet to be installed in the dollar box at the trailhead.
The trail marker project continues to move forward. We have chosen colors for the markers and the purchase will be completed soon.
The plaques for major contributors and volunteers have been installed and look great! Thanks to Bill Blount for designing and ordering the plaques, to Ken Nix for providing the stands for mounting, and Bill and Scott Stewart and Chris Griffin for setting them in concrete and mounting the plaques.
IMBA has announced that the 2010 IMBA World Summit will be held in Augusta, GA. The feature trail system will be FATS. The City of Augusta has agreed to build a pump track in town. This is a huge compliment to SORBA and recognition by IMBA of the importance of SORBA to their future. It is also a great opportunity for the Central Savannah River Area Chapter of SORBA to highlight the awesome trails they have built.
Ellis Alexander reported about the NC Bike Summit held at Lake Norman State Park on May 30th. John Hicks and Ellis were invited by Tom Sauret to give the presentation on fundraising for Blankets Creek that they gave at the SORBA Board of Directors meeting last November. John was unable to attend but Ellis was able to give the presentation. It was a great opportunity to showcase our Woodstock Chapter and our trails and to share our successful experience in raising funds to build new trails. The purpose of the summit was to provide all the mountain bike chapters in NC the ability to share their knowledge about the various land manager requirements in that state. It will also allow them to present a common, professional voice to these land managers, further enhancing the image of our sport.